Real Estate
We are a highly specialised team with many years of local and international real estate advisory experience in the private and public sectors.
We provide a complete and independent overview of the market based on detailed market research and an understanding of current trends affecting particular real estate market players. We use a complex methodology based on our skills in assessing the effectiveness of real estate use, financial evaluation of proposed solutions and spatial planning demonstrating the target state.
Grupa NGL also supports us in tax and legal analysis, and our technical, environmental and architectural partners assist us with high-quality professional studies.
How we can help:
- Analyses of optimal real estate development
- Feasibility studies
- Evaluation of investment strategies
- Real estate market analysis
- Cost optimization of real estate use
- Spatial analyses
- Risk assessment
- Consultancy on the restructuring of a real estate portfolio
- Transaction consultancy (M&A)
- Support in negotiation of commercial terms of a purchase or sale agreement
As part of our work, we use geospatial tools to perform detailed analyses of location, property potential, and market conditions, examine local competition, and exist and forecast demand for the defined function profile.
In our projects we aim to deliver the highest value accessible to a wide range of recipients. We prefer multicriteria analysis and visualization of the results on 3D models over regular static reports intended and understood by a limited target group. Interaction with stakeholders, taking into account their opinions and insights, help us to strengthen our solutions.
What makes us stand out is our focus on a long-term approach to the proposed projects, which allows us to introduce elements strengthening resilience to changing market conditions.
Verified Industry Partners
During project implementation we can offer cooperation with our industry partners.
Their services allow us to deliver comprehensive service, including professional research.
We have a vast network of business relations, which we are constantly expanding.
Each of our partners perfectly understands business needs, has high ethical and quality standards, and can cooperate openly.
Why work with us?
Market knowledge
We have a team of specialists offering extensive experience in private and public real estate.
Comprehensive approach
Grupa NGL includes a broad group of experts specialising in real estate services. We advise on operational, legal, tax and transactional matters.
Mapping business opportunities
We support our clients in making the best decisions regarding real estate use through our knowledge of market conditions.
Industry knowledge
We have experience in real estate projects for both public and private entities.
Industry experts
We work with experts in architecture, costing, transport and logistics, environmental and property valuation.
Advanced analytical tools
We use geospatial tools (GIS) to support us in performing detailed analyses of location, property potential and market conditions.
Our projects examples
Expertise on the optimal direction of local land development in Chwarzno-Wiczlino district in Gdynia
We supported Gdynia City on the project, constituting the basis for the planned land development plan for a strategic reserve in Gdynia.
Our work covered social, economic, and market analyses to determine the demand for particular real estate functions and may constitute a creative centre of the dynamically developing district.
Analysis of the optimal use of office space together and rental brokerage support
Our team advised on the analysis of the contract provisions in the context of compliance with the requirements of Polish law and a comparison of the offered rental rates and lease conditions with market standards. The project also included analysing the client’s current office space usage to propose a basis for space plan development in a new location.
Review of the provisions of condo-hotel investment contracts based on market conditions and legal advisory
Our team provided support in the process of commercialization of a condo-hotel investment based on market requirements. The project included reviewing the Client’s contract templates to verify the provisions and present proposals for legal and commercial changes. Our role also included consulting on optimal real estate management solutions of common areas in the investment.